COVID-19 Precautions: If It Feels Like It Is “All For Nothing”… Remember “That’s What We’re Going For!”

COVID-19 Precautions: If It Feels Like It Is “All For Nothing”… Remember “That’s What We’re Going For!”

Here we are... Five months after COVID-19 caused us to cancel our long-standing ST&BF “Gentle Yoga for Cancer Survivors” sessions that took place in the second-floor conference room of MOA/SCBS and the virus has gone on to disrupt many activities in our lives, including those in our Local Cancer Community! We have continued some of these activities VIRTUALLY (via Zoom) including these gentle yoga sessions and have also included some carefully-planned OUTDOOR in-person activities that have included COVID-19 precautions.

It has been my hope that by the time fall rolled around we may be able to return to our familiar indoor setting for these yoga sessions (as well as the Indoor Row Group and other activities). But, with some public health experts expressing concern about the possibility of a “twindemic” (involving coronavirus and influenza) in the months ahead along with the continued spread of COVID-19 , the future of these and many other activities (that we once took for granded) seems tenuous at best.

Back in March, when many communities were initially considering or imposing more drastic measures to curb the spread of COVID-19, Dr. Emily Landon, an infectious disease epidemiologist, made a poignant observation: "A successful shelter in place means that you will feel like it was all for nothing. And you would be right. Because 'nothing' means that nothing happened to your family, and that's what we are going for here."

It is an intersting contrast! If you or someone you love has been seriously impacted by the COVID-19 virus, you may feel that all of the precautions and related inconveniences have not been enough! If, on the other hand, you have not directly been impacted by the virus itself, it may seem as though it is “all for nothing!”

As of August 19th, Sheboygan County (with an approximate population of 115,000 residents) has had 896 confirmed cases (of which 797 have recovered) and 8 deaths related to COVID-19. Yes, the pain and suffering to date has been significant and, as the inserted graph shows, cases continue to rise.

Image Above: View the Current Sheboygan County Coronavirus Dashboard at:

Thankfully, most of us have not been significantly impacted by the relatively few serious cases of COVID-19. If, after more than five months of varying precautions, it sometimes feels as though it is “all for nothing”... now might be a good time to remind ourselves “that’s what we are going for here”!

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