Survivor Spotlight: Bob Turicik

Survivor Spotlight: Bob Turicik

Bob, who was diagnosed with leukemia in February of 2021, has combined his hobbies of kiting and photography to become a “KAPer” (Kite Aerial Photographer). As Bob explains, “Kite Aerial Photography is lifting a camera with kites, getting a unique photo that makes you feel like your seeing a bird’s eye view.”

Photo Above: Bob flying his Octopus kite at the Sheboygan Fairgrounds, October 2021. Photo Below: Bob at the 2018 “Kites Over Lake Michigan” at Neshotah Beach in Two Rivers.

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Bob describes Kite Aerial Photography: “A camera is lifted using a kite and is triggered either remotely or automatically to take aerial photographs. The camera rigs can range from the extremely simple, consisting of a trigger mechanism with a disposable camera, to complex apparatus using radio control and digital cameras. On some occasions it can be a good alternative to other forms of aerial photography.”

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“You meet lots of people that have a story of when they grew up and flew a homemade kite. I joined the Wisconsin Kiters Club (and the American Kiters Association) in 2010 and now have an extended family from all over the United States and around the world. Every weekend, if you don’t mind travelling, you can find a field and find other kiters to join you.”

You can learn more about Bob’s Kite Aerial Photography on his Facebook page: “Kite Eye View Photography.”

Bob also points out, “This hobby gives me lots of fresh air and exercise.”

Bob feels fortunate that, to date, he his condition has not required treatment to which he expressed, “I don’t need therapy, my kite is all the therapy I need!”

As one who believes strongly in a powerful interdependence between body (exercise and diet), mind (thoughts and reasoning), heart (emotions and relationships) and spirit (purpose and meaning) as it relates to our overall health and well-being, I find Bob’s expression to be as true as it is amusing!

If you are (like me) experiencing a bit of A-N-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N for warmer kite-flying weather and upcoming “Great Heights with Delightful Kites” outings, watch this update and plan to join us! Maybe Bob will fly with us as well? Or maybe Bob will be the inspiration for a whole new category in the ST&BF “Survivorship Through the Lens” outdoor photography activity (!?!

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