Traditionally, this time of year, many of us will gather during for our traditional TLC Survivorship Session's annual one-night "Gratitude Retreat!" This year we will be doing a much simpler virtual (via Zoom) version of that on Monday, November 16th at 9A and Tuesday, November 24th at 630P. Whether you are/were able to join us for either of those sessions... I invite you to share one thing that you find yourself feeling grateful for! Take a photo of that one thing or something that represents it and download it here along with a few grateful comments!!!
I know many of you have so much to be grateful for... so feel free to share up to one gratitude entry per week!
And, while you're at it... plan on sharing photos and comments of your Holiday tradition(s) starting in a "Holiday Traditions Photo Book" (coming on December 1st)!!!
You'll be able to share a photo of your decorated Christmas tree, outdoor lightings (any Griswold's out there?), your Holiday village, decorated Christmas cookies, a gingerbread house... any Christmas tradition that you want to share!
November 25, 2020 - When I saw Tim's suggestion for one entry per week of something that we are grateful for, I immediately thought of Zoom. It might seem shallow and not what his original intent was, but I truly am grateful for the platform. It has allowed me to continue to do yoga with cancer survivors and offer a glimpse into your homes --- with decorated Christmas trees, crawling babies, cats, etc. It has allowed me to connect on a regular basis with my family and friends. Some of these people live in other states or even foreign countries. I have to admit that I am perhaps "better connected" than I would be if things were truly "normal." Zoom has been a blessing in disguise!
Submitted by Mary Schueller, RN
November 25, 2020 - When I saw so many family photos being submitted (including Mary's photo of her Dad)... I waited until this day before Thanksgiving to share this photo of the two most adorable and amazing people in my life... my Mom & Dad... to whom and for whom I am profoundly grateful!!!
Submitted by Tim E. Renzelmann
November 19, 2020 - Yes... I am grateful for these and all other face coverings for the lives they have saved... but I am especially grateful to the many amazing healthcare heroes behind these masks! I thought about gathering our very own MOA/SCBS healthcare heroes who regularly make so many sacrifices for the health and well-being of their patients for a quick group photo... but not only are they really busy... but I certainly didn't want to add to the risks they are already accepting as they do their essential work!
This article includes a lead line that describes almost every community today, "As healthcare workers battle the pandemic for the ninth month, local hospitals are reporting a strain on healthcare resources and staff." Please do as this article suggests and show your gratitude for our healthcare heroes and wear a mask, if not for your loved ones or yourself, for them!
Submitted by Tim E. Renzelmann
November 17, 2020 - Veterans Day falls in the same month as Thanksgiving. Each year I try to remember in some special way the men and women who have served or are currently serving in our United States Armed Forces. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude!
In particular, I am grateful for the service of my late Father, Kenneth J. Schueller, a veteran of the Korean War.
Submitted by Mary Schueller, RN
November 12, 2020 - I took this photo during our ST&BF OUTDOOR "POP UP" Hiking Along the Cancer Journey at Maywood Environmental Park. Even though we couldn't gather as a group, it was nice to see some familiar eyeballs on the trails! In "Gratitude: The Short Film" by Louie Scwhartzberg, Br. David Stiendl-Rast says, "Open your eyes... and be surprised you have eyes to open." As if the sight of natures beauty is not enough... the simple fact that we can see and hear and feel and appreciate its beauty is even more astonishing!!! Yes, these are trying times... but life offers so many reasons to be profoundly grateful!!!
Submitted by Tim E. Renzelmann
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