Share a photo and comments of how you are Surviving, Thriving and Staying Fit throughout the year!!!
Submitted by Chris Meyer
We drove to South Range to see Amy and her husband Alan to go to Pattison State Park with them.
NOTE FROM TIM: Chris (a.k.a., "Thelma") and Amy (a.k.a., ,"Frogger"), trail names for the 2015 ST&BF Hiking Along the Cancer Journey 3-day/36-mile backpack outing, get a chance to reconnect!
Congrats to our First-Ever Group of "Navigating Along the Cancer Journey" Orienteers!
Photo submitted by Tim E. Renzelmann (May 14, 2021)
L-R: John & Sue Z, Maryellen K, Linda & Mike A all worked together to locate all nine controls during our first-ever "Navigating Along the Cancer Journey" orienteering outing at the Red Oaks permanent orienteering course near Greenbush on Friday, May 14th! Afterwards, we headed for Shelter #5 on the nearby Ice Age Trail for some "Hiking Along the Cancer Journey" Day Hikes and an Overnight Backpack Outing!
Pre-Sunrise Hike
Photo submitted by Tim E. Renzelmann (May 15, 2021)
After an evening that included an evening hike and a night-time hike as well as an enjoyable campfire and the accompanying enjoyable campfire conversation... and a night's sleep in my hammock tent... I got up before sunrise to start the day with a hike and came upon an open field as the morning light welcomed me!
Submitted by Tim E. Renzelmann (March 19, 2021)
As part of my goal to traverse the 36-mile section of the Ice Age Trail between Hwy P (Glenbeulah) and Ridge Road (Kewaskum) in multiple short out and back sections (making it 72-miles) each season of the year (winter, spring, summer and fall), I barely got my winter goal completed... just one day before the first day of spring! It took me nine outings, averaging 4-miles of trail (8 miles out & back total)! No time to rest now that it's spring... I must repeat! :-) But not before enjoying a cold can of Miller 64 (a.k.a., beer-flavored water)!
Survivors on Snowshoes at Walla-Hi Park - Saturday, January 16!
Before some of our snowshoer's headed out on the trail they stopped for a quick "socially-distanced" (by household) photo! We started this outing several years ago in conjunction with the annual "Hunting for a Cure" fundraiser and, even though this year's event was significantly limited (due to COVID-19) it was still a beautiful day to "Survive, Thrive & Be Fit"!
Thank you again to the organizers and participants in this year's limited version of the Hunting for a Cure fundraising event! We appreciate your continued support... and really felt bad we weren't able to finish up our Survivors on Snowshoes outing with a stop at Laack's Tavern & Ballroom for the fun and festivities!
Submitted by Sue Zalewski (January 14, 2021)
How to enjoy the beautiful winter weather and stay warm doing it!
Thanks to Wigwam’s donation of socks (including these liners) my feet
stayed warm and dry yesterday while sitting out on Mauthe Lake for 4
hours. We were celebrating John’s birthday ice fishing. I caught more
than he did!!!
Submitted by Tim E. Renzelmann (January 4, 2021)
One of my intentions for 2021 is to hike, run or snowshoe the approximate 36-mile section of the Ice Age Trail between Hwy P near Glenbeulah and Ridge Road near Kewaskum in short out & back segments. I kicked that off on January 2nd with a 3.5 hour snowshoe starting at about 430A! There was about 3-4 inches of fresh snow and occasional fog. The extra moisture in the air froze on the branches and shimmered under the light of my headlamp! It was so beautiful... I was sad to see daylight arrive!
I thought of a several of our ST&BF survivor-athletes when I arrived at the Ridge Road trailhead, which is where we started our three-day/36-mile backpacking trip in May of 2015!
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