In response to Wisconsin's whimsical weather, we were invited not once but twice to enjoy this special space where every time of the year and every time of the day and every type of weather offers unique views and experiences! The cooler and cloudy weather on Sunday, October 25th led into warmer and sunnier skies on Wednesday, October 28th!
I am offering some photos here... and I invite all attendees to submit additional photos and comments!
Steps to Survivorship Trick or Treat Scavenger Hunt: "Hugs & Kisses" at the entrance (the chocolate kind... and the only kind we can hand out these days!), "Gummy Bears" on the Bear Path, "Candy Corn" at Cornucopia, "Dinosaur Eggs" at Jayrassic Park, "Skttles" at the colorful Kalied-o-scope Garden, "Swedish Fish" at the Pond, "Pumpkin Suckers" at the Pumpkin Patch, "Train Suckers" at the Train Depot, "Lifesavers" along Lake Michigan and "Robin Eggs" on the colored-stone Wisconsin layout! No tricks... all treats... because you deserve them!!! (10/28/20)
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