A Mother’s Story - Kate Ratajczak: “Was I Going to Die? Was My Baby?”

A Mother’s Story - Kate Ratajczak: “Was I Going to Die? Was My Baby?”

I was thrilled to reconnect with Kate Ratajczak! Kate was diagnosed with breast cancer in October of 2016, when she was 13 weeks pregnant. Imagine that!

Kate was referred to the Sheboygan County Cancer Care Fund by a co-worker at the time – Leah Heusterberg, a long-time participant in SCCCF’s Survive, Thrive & Be Fit program and a good friend of SCCCF!

Kate shared her story at the 2020 Hunting for a Cure fundraising event that benefitted SCCCF:

A few months into my treatments, finances became an issue. I was unable to breast feed because of the mastectomy. I was able to provide donated breast milk to Maeve but needed to supplement with formula as well. Formula was a cost we hadn’t thought of. The Sheboygan County Cancer Fund assisted us with diapers and formula while I was having chemotherapy and not working. What a blessing!”

Read more here:


Kate mentioned to me that she had recently connected with another woman, Alison, who had been diagnosed with cancer while she was pregnant. Alison indicated, “Right after I was diagnosed, my nurse navigator said to me, “I have a woman who went through this all and is your age – do you want to talk to her?” I didn’t hesitate. I said yes right away. I met Kate right before treatment started. As soon we met, I knew we were going to be lifelong friends, bonded by super rare experiences.”

The two recently came together for the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s Real Talk podcast in recognition of Mother’s Day. To listen to this podcast featuring two incredible moms speaking about an experience of motherhood that, thankfully, few must endure, follow the below link:


To read: Kate’s Story: Was I Going to Die? Was My Baby?


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