About the Local Cancer Community Update!

About the Local Cancer Community Update!

By Tim E. Renzelmann

Brief History:

The very first issue of this Local Cancer Community Update (LCCU) was sent out via e-mail on July 9, 2013. Initially, this update was designed as an about weekly supplement to the more comprehensive TLC Supportive Newsletter that started in 2000 and was being printed and mailed via USPS about every 2-3 months. Eventually (Spring, 2017), the cost (both in time and money) of a hard copy newsletter became prohibitive and the benefits of an e-mail newsletter led to the discontinuation of the TLC Supportive Newsletter. Then, in fall of 2023, the format changed again as I began using the Mailchimp platform to distribute the Local Cancer Community Update.


As I see it, this LCCU has two primary objectives: 1) to provide timely announcements and reminders of events and activities taking place in our Local Cancer Community and 2) to provide additional news, information, and stories of interest to local cancer patients/survivors. I believe both of these are important elements.

Reader Preferences:

Interestingly, I hear comments from some who yearn for more stories and appreciate the detailed reminders. Others would prefer a more concise and brief update they can quickly skim.

What to do?

I will continue to do my best to make this LCCU effective for all. I have and will continue to make changes accordingly and appreciate your feedback! This current issue is divided into three parts.

“Just the Facts”

For those of you who want to quickly skim the update, this section will consist of “just the Facts” and you can choose to scroll down/read more from here.

“The Latest News”

This section will include news, events, information that is appearing in this LCCU for the very first time.

“The Rest of the Story”

This section will include additional stories, follow-up details, reminders, and information on on-going events and activities.

Current and past issues can be found here: www.scccf.org/events

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