“Making Sheboygan County the Healthiest Place to Survive Cancer!”
Survive, Thrive & Be Fit has been helping area cancer patients and survivors for the past thirteen years while LIVESTRONG at the YMCA has been doing so for ten years! Together, that’s an combined total of 23-years of “Making Sheboygan County the Healthiest Place to Survive Cancer” in 2023!
We are recognizing area cancer patients/survivors who participate in both ST&BF and LIVESTRONG between February and October (LIVESTRONG’s 14-year anniversary) with the chance to earn a hand-made “23-in-23” rubber band bracelet in “Survivor Blue” and “LIVESTRONG Yellow”!
Congrats to our first bracelet-earning Survivor-Athletes:
Kathy Burch, Carrie Green, Leah Heusterberg, Tim Renzelmann (contact me to receive your bracelet)!
We’ll make a few bracelets during some of our upcoming ST&BF activities (i.e., during March Indoor Row Group sessions, Qigong for Cancer Survivors, Gentle Yoga for Cancer Survivors, Indoor Row Group Lake Michigan Crossing, or whenever a group of ST&BF/LIVESTRONG survivor-athletes come together)!
Photo Above: I made this simple rubber band bracelet with my Granddaughter in about ten minutes (if I can do it, anyone can)... Or feel free to make your own, possibly more intricate, pattern!
NOTE: I have plenty of blue and yellow rubber bands!
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