It has been about seven years since I initially went through the LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program offered by the Sheboygan County YMCA. One of the activities that I enjoyed most was the fitness boot camp workout. Denice Nugent, Senior Program Director and LIVESTRONG Leader, describes the boot camp workout as “a diverse group of exercises to build strength, flexibility, balance, endurance and agility throughout the entire body. It is comprised of warm up followed by ten exercises of forty-five seconds followed by 15 seconds to rest and rotate. We make four laps with a minute rest between each. Cool down, stretching, and inspiration at the end.”
PHOTO ABOVE: LIVESTRONG survivors & co-survivors following one of my first “boot camp” sessions in 2015.
Like many who have benefited and enjoyed this workout over the years, I got out of the habit. Earlier this year I made a pledge to return to the Saturday LIVESTRONG Boot Camp sessions at least once a month. After my first return session in January, I realized what I was missing... and have attended almost every Saturday since!
Denise stresses that “every station is customizable for individual needs” which results in “a complete empowering workout” for everyone involved, no matter their experience or fitness level!
“I would also point out that it is FUN!” says Carrie Green, LIVESTRONG Leader. “It is not competitive, except with yourself! We exercise to fun music and build strength in our bodies and strength in our supportive community of survivors. Family members and co-survivors are encouraged to come! We have been offering Saturday morning bootcamp to our LIVESTRONG members and alumni for almost 10 years. Alumni are always welcome!”
Kathy Burch, a regular at this weekly workout, reflects, “Just the thought of getting up on my only day to sleep in use to bug me until I was introduced to Boot Camp at the YMCA when I was finished with my treatment nine years ago.” Kathy describes boot camp as “a whole-body work out done with a variety of exercises. It is filled with encouragement, laughter, fun, fellowship, and yes exercise! It works on balance, leg strength, arm strength, abs, and a variety of other muscles that I didn’t know I even had. The great thing about boot camp is you work out at your level or make adaptation to fit your needs.”
Kathy acknowledges, “Boot camp is now a part of my life for nine years that I enjoy and encourage others to try.” Kathy has encouraged and inspired me to return!
I intend to continue to attend these boot camps more often until the weather warms up and at least occasionally after that. I enjoy the variety of the exercises that forces me to move my body in ways I don’t normally move (which I think is a good thing) as well as the option to participate at whatever intensity feels right for me on that particular day.
If you would like to learn more about the LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program, feel free to contact me or, better yet, contact the YMCA at 920.451.8004 ex. 130.
Hope to see you one of these Saturday mornings at LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Boot Camp!
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