ST&BF Spring Cumulative Walk/Run Marathon FINISHERS!!!

ST&BF Spring Cumulative Walk/Run Marathon FINISHERS!!!

Congratulations to ST&BF Survivor-Athletes Chris Meyer, John Seaman, Maryellen Kloiber, Sue Zalewski and Tim Renzelmann along with medical oncology caregiver Mary Schueller for completing the ST&BF Spring Cumulative Walk/Run Marathon!

The objective of this event is to get as many people as possible to complete the relatively simple goal of completing a Marathon while walking or jogging... not in one continuous effort... but over the time of an entire season! We have some participants, like John Seaman and Mary Schueller, who have reported hundreds of miles during the allotted period. Kudos to them!

For the ST&BF Summer Cumulative Walk/Run the emphasis will focus entirely on how many survivors, their co-surivivor guests or medical caregivers we can get to complete just one full marathon distance between the start (June 20th) and September 21st!

As soon as you complete the 26.2 mile distance, submit your log sheet and your done (I suspect John and Mary have already completed the marathon distance... but will continue to add miles)! And then watch this Local Cancer Community Update for (hopefully) a growing list of finishers by September 21st!!!

This event is open to cancer patients/survivors as well as their co-survivor guests and medical oncology caregivers in the Local Cancer Community! Should we get at least 25 cancer patients/survivors to complete the 26.2 mile distance over the summer months (or 100-miles or more of biking), we will celebrate with a Pizza Party to honor those who were successful (including co-survivor guests and medical oncology caregivers)!!!

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